The Harlequin King Descends upon the Timeless Waltz, Enthroned He upon a Seat of Sullied Gin

Look there, my Lord!
Below the paneled glass
Look there, Lord mine!
to the tower’s floor
Within the round
A dancing crowd
Starved they all for
Solid ground
Hungry they
For words sent down
It’s in their eyes!
They whirl and pound
The floor
They whirl and turn
Up and down

Up and down
Ah one
Ah two

And who, ask you, makes the one two sound?
Why, your musicians make the sound!
Of horsehair string on bridesmaid’s skin
Abrush, ablush, abound! Up down!

Ahh, sweet deathly succor: sin
The sound of slipping down
Sibboleth! Sibboleth! Sound!
Ah one
Ah one
Ah two


The Waltz goes round and round
all while
We wage a quiet, consistent war
‘gainst the dead bull down
‘gainst that nightmare darkish dark
of the world
and that one
once so solemn
once so goddamned proud

Whore nature
hides behind those dusky cloud
and the gods
have all been long-since drowned
till men
no more
are made
and souls
no longer
neither hungry
neither proud
nor are they thirsty
nor are they loud

And we surrogates
Stand to gain
The world
In a coin trick
The sweet, virgin Earth
In a coin’s spinning

A flip
I’ve won a sow!
A turn
I own
you now

You there –
You girls there who stand
Aloof, on guard, on hand!
(they are living proof)
Are we men not proud?

Oh we are proud
And we sing
And we carouse
For the Harlequin King
and his Nameless Spouse

Do you men!

We men do!
Oh how we are
when called to be
Oh how we are
when given means

In this our Tower
so well civilized
called the Bright Shroud
We live
To die
And love
To lie

With maidens
And gaze into their eyes

And our women they
Are silent
Little moos
They dance below
is all they love to do

Ah hah hah hah
Ah one
Ah one
Ah two

See them there down below!
A turning wheel
Of waltzing appeals
Each hungry for their
soul’s first meal
Tis’ men and women
Not more than clowns
Tis’ a mass of flesh
Each one
Drummed down

Ah one two three
One two three

Shall we descend
Beloved King
Favored son
Of the Firstwrought one
Harvest of the sun’s
Wide drum?

You King of Blue!
I say we may
What say you? Come!

You there! Dressed
in bright colors all
to cheer your favorites on
you, guardsman, you
guardsman’s son:
prepare for us the way
your king and his most
beloved one

The Protector, the Proctor, the Doctor
Yes, truly I am chosen one
Of the Firstwrought’s
Firstborn son

And yeah, I say unto you
you guardsmen each of you
Dressed I in my starbright blue
My garb of holy rule
I say this:
There are no clues
Nor truths
Unless one pays
One’s dues

Have you?
You have!
Well good.
Thank you.

And we, kingly King,
Have you heard?
We now own the booth
That prints the bills
Controls the tills
And stomps


Trust not that one out there
That rebellious son
Awash with cares!

He knows not what he does
And thinks he knows
What we do

Woodsmoke? Swirls?
Would you battle
The hand the holds you
In sweet dumb truth?

Say it ain’t so
Oh no

Rebel Bone,
your name floats on the wind

And all you who are his:

Burn not your
Burn neither your
For never were they yours

Wet not your
Please do not
For you never were you yours

Citizens, you are! Citizens,
so owned
in the landscape
of the Tower’s gloam

Oh yeah
One ah one ah two
Three a one a two


Sit here, Sirrah
Sit in your chariot
Built from drunken nights
Hewn by the stormy hands
Of our foremost shipwrights

This shall be a ship that sinks
To the earth
Give girth, hey you there!
Make way
Your Harlequin King
descends to revel
Yea’ he descends to play

Enmeshed the blind king descends
Levers held by unseen hands
On a throne made, a cradle of bottled gin
Slides he down upon the Waltz
Dressed now like a harlequin
And lacking skin

Make way for the King
The Harlequin!
The King!

Set bows to string
and sweet silly girls to sing!
Long live the Blind Dumb King!

Ah one
Ah one ah two

You there. All you down below!
Repeat along with me:

Long live the Blind Dumb King!
The Happy Harlequin!

Long live the
Blind Dumb King!